Press Release: Vice Chancellor SALU Visits Ghotki Campus

Professor Dr. Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto, the Vice Chancellor, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, visited the Ghotki Campus of Shah Abdul Latif University, on Wednesday, 25th November, 2020. Pro-Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr. Syed Maqsood Ahmed Zia Shah and the faculty members warmly welcomed the honorable guest.

Dr. Ibupoto visited the Campus and looked over the development work throughout. On this occasion, a briefing was given to the vice chancellor on the campus project and presented over the progress report. Worthy vice chancellor appreciated Pro-VC and his team over creating best academic environment and campus development. Meanwhile, some issues were also discussed by the campus administration like acquisition of recommended government land for establishing the campus, extension of MoU with Sindh education department, shortage of faculty and administrative staff, etc. The worthy vice chancellor assured the Pro-VC to take mutual efforts for resolving the issues of the Land acquisition for the campus and the MoU as well. Dr. Ibupoto directed the Pro-Vice Chancellor to submit a comprehensive justification for the appointment of regular faculty and administrative staff inline with the PC-I of the campus at earliest to mitigate this issue too.

The worthy vice chancellor emphasized on the proper execution of online classes during current lockdown situation. He asked the Pro-VC to promote the research activities among students and to give them exposure to new technological trends.

Finally, Dr. Ibupoto showed his complete confidence over the leadership of Pro Vice Chancellor of the campus.

During the visit, Mr. Mureed Hussain Ibupoto, Registrar, Mr. Imran Ali Soomro, P.S to Vice Chancellor, Faculty Members and Officers of Campus were present.

M. Imran Mushtaque
In-Charge Media Cell
SALU, Ghotki Campus.

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